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will is amazing and i adore his senior session SO much. i first met will, like, three years ago. i was actually his high school art teacher (which feels like ages ago!) but he quickly became one of those kids who i adored. talented, smart, respectful. he's one of those kids that leaves an impression and goes the extra mile. i mean, in this day and age those qualities are hard to come by - especially with teenagers.

when it came time for him to have his senior photos done, i was so thrilled when he and his mom chose me. after several of the parks we planned to meet at were closed due to various reasons (like pipes bursting! lol) we finally found a safe place: sims lake park.

it was my first time inside the park and i loved it!! all the leaves were yellows and oranges and it was the perfect fall backdrop for will. with my darker, moodier style it turned out perfectly- just the way that i envisioned. i think i was able to bring out will's personality beautifully! he is such an awesome young man. i needed these photos to do him justice.

technologically speaking, it was very overcast and using my hot shoe flash was not giving me a good look aesthetically. and though i reeeally wanted to use my 135, i ended up settling on my 85 for just about all of these shots. there was just something about it that was really working for me. due to the low light i lost some catch lights but i really think it all works well. overall, it's my favorite senior session i have done so far!

anyways, i wont keep you from the session pics.

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